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A Very Potter Journey

Also in English...

After a few weeks neglecting the blog, I condescend to write again by here. I'm back in Spain for a month before coming back again to Denmark, and CPS exams are brewing closer, just two weeks left. Family, friends and Spanish hustle and bustle in bars and streets are what I missed the most. Coming back to the jokes of my closest friends is the best that has happened to me in a long time. New Year's Eve, as usual, legendary. The dinner's wine, the midnight champagne and the later spirits (including Fisk and Snaps brought from the heart of Denmark) made their job really well. One of those nights which deserve to be remembered (whatever you can) and which I will call Obliviate Nights from now on.

On the other hand, I'm already thinking about coming back. There's an outline of a trip at the end of this month, before starting again the semester in the DTU, which will have London as a main destination if it finally becomes well outlined. There's nothing for sure, but London, United Kingdom and all the background that characterizes them led me a few days ago to think about a project that I would like to do. My recovered love for the Harry Potter series comes strongly back as a Rowling-inspired tour across the Great Britain. The idea is to travel all over the country visiting the main locations where the Harry Potter films' scenes were shot, and of course the most emblematic places which meant something for J.K. Rowling. From the legendary Platform 9 ¾ in King's Cross Station to The Elephant House, where the author wrote the first chapters of the series, stopping at Christ Church College in Oxford, which Great Hall was replicated in the films.

To start with, I've made a Google Maps list of the places collected in a quite complete Wikipedia page, Places in Harry Potter. I've called this locations list A Very Potter Journey in the hope that it will become some day the title of a small adventure across the British lands.